Virtual concert to help in virus fight

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Big Wilz (left) performs a number at the Bula Ko Lau concert in Suva on Saturday. Picture: SOPHIE RALULU

Renoened local artists and bands got together last Saturday to perform in the first live virtual concert organised by the Bula Ko Lau panel.

Panel member Samisoni Pareti said the initiative was to provide assistance to the people of Lau as well as the artists themselves.

“We have 24 artists altogether who volunteered to be part of this event and we have been overwhelmed with their response,” he said.

“The money raised through donations or fakawela will be split into two, with a portion going towards providing personal protection equipment (PPE) for the 10,000 or so people in Lau as well as food rations for Lauans stranded in Viti Levu.

“Another portion will be shared among the artists and so we have a morning session in Suva for our central-based artists and targeting Fijian diaspora audience in the United Kingdom, Europe and the United States.

“The second session with our Western artists was held at the Radisson Blu Resort in Nadi at 8pm for audiences in Australia, New Zealand and other places.

Local artists and bands that participated in the live-streamed event included Saimoni Vuatalevu, Georgina Ledua, Big Wilz, Savuto Vakadewavosa, Cakacaka Ledua, Akanisi Vakaloloma and Ofa Sereicocoko. Pareti said organisers hoped the event helped to bring a sense of joy and entertainment to viewers amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

“There has been countless live-stream of funerals and it has been quite a depressing and sad time, and we want to break the monotony and have fun with our talented local musicians.”

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