Urgent repair works for government-owned schools

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Assistant Education Minister Iliesa Vanawalu. Picture: MINISTRY OF EDUCATION

Urgent repair works will be carried out in government-owned schools and teachers’ quarters, says Assistant Education Minister Iliesa Vanawalu.

During a recent visit to schools in the North, he said it was appalling that renovation works had not been done over the past few years.

Mr Vanawalu said the repairs needed to be done as soon as possible after seeing the decrepit condition of school buildings and quarters.

“The condition of government schools and teacher’s quarters need to be fixed urgently as we have students and teachers using the infrastructure,” he said.

“The renovation carried out in the past covers about 40 per cent of what is needed, but not to our expectations.

“We need overall repairs for the remaining 60 per cent of work left and also improve the 40 per cent repairs done in the past because it’s not to our expectation.”

Mr Vanawalu said faith-based school management had also made requests for repairs.

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