Two Cabinet subcommittees to be established; review Government decision-making machinery

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Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka during the post-Cabinet media briefing at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs conference room at Nasova, Suva, on Wednesday, February 01, 2023. Picture: JONACANI LALAKOBAU

Cabinet’s approval to review the Government’s decision-making machinery will now result in the establishment of two Cabinet subcommittees.

The Cabinet subcommittees are the Economic Strategy Committee (ESC) and the Cabinet Subcommittee on Budget (CSB).

According to Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka, the Economic Strategy Committee of Cabinet will be chaired by the Prime Minister, and its members will include the three deputy PMs.

The committee will deliberate on emerging economic policy matters and provide guidance on the formulation of the Strategic Development Plan for the next four years.

“New investment proposals that substantively require Cabinet approval will be deliberated at the ESC prior to Cabinet. Other Cabinet Ministers will be co-opted on a needs-basis particularly in the areas covering their respective portfolios,” Mr Rabuka said yesterday during his post-Cabinet media briefing.

“To better align key decisions made at Cabinet level, the Prime Minister will also chair the Cabinet Subcommittee on Budget (CSB). The membership of the CSB will include the three deputy Prime Ministers.

“Other Cabinet Ministers, the Chief Executive Officer of the Fiji Revenue and Customs Service and other officials, will be co-opted as the need arises.”

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