Teams thrilled to be part of 7s tourney

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Ellington Koromatovo Blues under-21 team at the FMF Malomalo 7s held at Lawaqa Park in Sigatoka. Picture: REINAL CHAND

The Ellington Koromatovo Blues 7s teams from Matokana, Navosa, are thrilled to participate for the first time in a local 7s tournament at Lawaqa Park.

The teams, comprising both senior and under-21 players, are part of the two-day Malomalo 7s tournament.

Team captain Autiko Navuda says his team are excited to play in Lawaqa Park.

“Both our teams the senior and U21 teams are participating for the first time in a local 7s tournament. Even here at Lawaqa Park,” Navuda said.

Navuda explained the team’s formation, highlighting the enthusiasm from the community.

“We just gather the youths and senior team in the village to form the team everyone was excited.

“Lots of learning we take out from this tournament, this is a good exposure for our young boys as well,” Navuda said.