Strategic plan to be launched soon

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Land Transport Authority board chairman James Sowane (middle) speaks to Viam Pillay (left) at the Standing Committee on Social Affairs meeting. Picture: PARLIAMENT OF FIJI

The Land Transport Authority’s (LTA) 2022-2026 strategic plan has been completed and will be launched soon, says board chairman James Sowane.

While presenting the 2014-2017 annual reports to the Standing Committee on Social Affairs, he acknowledged all past and current staff members and management for their efforts.

“Our 2022-2026 strategic plan is completed, which will be launched and we will undertake a nationwide consultation with members,” he said.

“Our focus will be on making and facilitating ease of doing business for all Fijians and also utilising the digitising process.” Mr Sowane said despite many challenges, they were committed to upgrading their services and customer service in the coming years.

“Pre-COVID, we had 545 staff and after COVID, we have 411. “Some of them have moved on, the challenge that we are all aware of is losing skilled staff. We are not immune from that.”

LTA chief executive officer Flagon Bekker said the key focus for LTA going forward would be moving towards a greener economy and digitisation, in particular, update of all internal data and e-ticketing.

“When we look at the baseline of performance in 2017-2019 and today, there is a marked improvement,” he said.

“It is not a finished product, there is still a lot to do but LTA works very closely with technology providers and the bus service providers and public and across the board in terms of awareness, understanding why it’s needed and make incremental improvements over time.

“A key element of improvements that have happened in the period that we are discussing today have been driven by digitisation of which e-ticketing is an example as is our internal software system called LTA Soft.”

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