Speaker commends Government

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Speaker of Parliament, Ratu Naiqama Lalabalavu raises an issue in Parliament during the September 2023 Parliament sitting. Picture: PARLIAMENT OF FIJI/FILE

Speaker Ratu Naiqama Lalabalavu has commended the Government for its willingness to withdraw a motion put forward for parliamentary consideration after the Opposition pleaded against it.

In Parliament on Tuesday, Ratu Naiqama said both parties displayed great acts of bipartisan that was a promising sign towards unity in putting the interests of the people of the nation first.

He made the comment after the Government had withdrawn a motion upon request by the Opposition regarding the Heritage Bill 2023.

“It is historical for the Government to allow an urgent motion to be put forward,” Ratu Naiqama said.

“I have sat on the Opposition side for quite some time, even as Leader of the Opposition, and we tried so hard to get an urgent motion put through, but it was so difficult.

“Before we took the break for lunch, and that was when the Government was willing to withdraw something put forward to be considered in Parliament.”

Ratu Naiqama said that as aptly put by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance in Parliament during one of the earlier sittings, it was now time for bipartisanship.

“That word is quite difficult to try and carry out the true meaning of it because of the laws that exist, the Parliamentary rules that exist.

“So many things can be done together if we all put our heads together that help the people that put us here.

“The rules have changed. I am so proud to be part of this – these changes that we are seeing.

“So many things can be done together — we all put our heads together and try and look for the best way out to help the people who have put us here.”

Ratu Naiqama thanked the Government and the Opposition, especially Opposition Leader Inia Seruiratu, and urged the members of the House to pray and strive for the betterment of Fiji.

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