Rokomokoti champions education

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SODELPA provisional candidate Ana Rokomokoti. Picture: FACEBOOK/Ana Rokomokoti

The Social Democratic Liberal Party (SODELPA) provisional candidate Ana Rokomokoti says she would be sharing more thoughts on education as one of the important subjects going forward.

In a statement posted on her Facebook page, Ms Rokomokoti said education was something she felt connected to.

“My experience in the higher education system as a university lecturer has allowed me some quality insights into our education system,” she said.

“Education is very important for our beloved nation as our children need it for their future, families need it to enhance their lives, communities need it to advance their socio-economic status and our nation will benefit greatly from a well-educated society.”

Ms Rokomokoti is a former lecturer at the Fiji National University.

She graduated with a Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws degree from the University of Tasmania and holds a Postgraduate Diploma in Legal Practice from the Australian National University.

Ms Rokomokoti is a lawyer by profession and a former military officer.

She is also a former chief registrar of the High Court of Fiji and resident magistrate.

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