Radrodro expresses Fiji’s perspective on education empowerment

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Minister for Education Aseri Radrodro delivers his keynote address at the Pacific Education Minister’s meeting in Auckland, New Zealand. Picture: FIJI GOVERNMENT

Fiji’s Minister for Education Aseri Radrodro has urged development partners and civil society organisations to ensure that funding provided for the education of the people of the Pacific is efficient, accountable and sustainable.

Addressing Pacific Education Ministers at the three-day conference in Auckland, New Zealand, Mr Radrodro addressed the issues of financing education for the Pacific people.

He said almost all Pacific countries spent a significant amount on education and training.

“Ninety (90) per cent spend more than 4 per cent of their GDP on education, however, our education system is not producing the desired results,” Mr Radrodro said in his keynote address./

“… With the education sector in Fiji, there is an imbalance in our secondary school output in terms of students graduating for a particular year from Year 13.

“It does not match with students completing their tertiary studies. This disconnect should reflect in the Technical and Vocational Education and Training-TVET.

“Fiji wants to establish a dialogue for an exchange program that will provide skill training for the blue collar market and have it constantly monitored so that students graduate with flying colours.”

Mr Radrodro said donor agencies played a crucial role in providing the financial support for institutions that had accreditation on the quality of teaching and learning TVET.

“It is unfortunate that sometimes Pacific people engaged in quality TVET training have had their interest and studies short lived when donor agencies halt operations or allege that money has dried up.”


He said the education sector in Fiji sought assistance through donor agencies for e-learning programs that “might require and begin with the construction of satellite discs or connectivity towers near schools to ensure sustainability of e-learning programs for schools in rural, remote rural and maritime zones”.

“The other areas that donor agencies can provide financial support in Fiji is school infrastructure upgrades and good tools or provision of equipment that will enhance learning and teaching.”

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