Quality education key to climate justice and just transition

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Minister for Employment, Productivity and Industry Agni Deo Singh officially opens three-day Educators for Climate Justice and Just Transition Conference in Lautoka this week. Picture: FIJI GOVT

“As educators, quality education is key to climate justice and just transition in achieving relevant sustainable development goals relating to climate change.”

This was highlighted by the Minister for Employment, Productivity and Industrial Relations Agni Deo Singh while opening the three-day Educators for Climate Justice and Just Transition Conference in Lautoka this week.

In his address, Mr Singh said to ensure the right to quality education for all students and the right to decent work for all educators in the context of the climate emergency, education systems needed to be urgently transformed.

“The role of quality education is crucial to ensure students are climate literate and have the knowledge and skills to take part in the green economy and demand a just transition,” the Minister said.

“Teaching children about nature and climate from a young age helps them develop a sense of responsibility and passion for the world around them. It lays the groundwork for growing children who will need to understand the scientific issues, like climate change that will affect them throughout their lives.”

He noted that the conference was a timely one as part of Education International Asia Pacific’s regional campaign in raising awareness on the impact of climate change and incorporating climate change education in the curriculum and strengthening the capacity to engage in climate actions at the national and regional levels.

He said the Government was committed to partnership and collaboration with the key stakeholders and hoped the successful deliberations in the conference would equip them with the necessary skills, knowledge and expertise to recommend policies that would influence climate justice and just transition both in education and at the work environment.

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