Politics of fear – Singh says Fijians should not worry and leave security to police

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National Federation Party candidate, Agni Deo Singh. Picture: JONACANI LALAKOBAU

The politics of fear pervading Fiji must go away, says National Federation Party (NFP) candidate Agni Deo Singh.

The former general secretary for Fiji Teachers Union (FTU) attacked the “politics of fear” aimed at the hearts of voters, especially Fijians of Indian descent.

“Every time we hear about politics of fear from the FijiFirst government. They are doing it currently. Trying to instil that fear in the Indo-Fijian community,” he claimed.

“The worst part is that this is bringing about an ethnic divide. “We are here to bring the two major ethnic groups together.

“We don’t talk ethnicity, we don’t talk race or religion.”

Mr Singh said people should not worry and leave the security details to authorities such as the police.

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