Online safety, security

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Get Safe Online Global24, back-to-basics panel discussion held in Suva involving business representatives and Get Safe Online Fiji advocates. Picture: ABISHEK CHAND

The country was the first to kick off the Get Safe Online Global 24 event which was a live stream event online security and safety.

UK Deputy High Commissioner to Fiji, Paul Welsh, while speaking during the opening of the program in Suva yesterday, said the pandemic had resulted in an increased reliance on the internet and digital network which had brought with it a digital spike in cyber-attacks.

“COVID-19 cyber scams have proliferated.

“This is another reason to scale up and expand public cybersecurity awareness such as through Get Safe Online.”

He added the discussion yesterday was focused on cyber safety and security for business specifically for SMEs. “For almost every modern business the ability to safely email, work remotely and operate a website is crucial to its everyday operations and success.

“If you are an SME, there is one in two chance in the UK at least that you will experience a cybersecurity breach.

“Much of the solution lies in getting the basics right such as having strong passwords, downloading software updates installing software security, deleting suspicious emails and making regular back up of key systems.”

He said to keep the society, economies and families safe from online threats there was a need to rely on the attentiveness and creativity of business. Star Printery director Sandeep Chauhan, who was one of the panellists during the event, said operating a business online was not a luxury any more but a necessity.

“It has given so many youngsters the opportunity to enter the sphere of a commercial trade or making a livelihood for themselves,” he said.

“Perhaps relevant in today’s age with the pandemic we got that you are not relying on seeking a job because you are your own master.”

He said for this reason alone there needed to be some security around the cyber space in terms of it being secure and comfortable to any young business to trade online.

I&G Investments director Gabriella Wong, another panellist shared her experience with a customer whereby she emphasised the need to take the company’s operations seriously online.

“To combat this online safety issue that I faced I think we should take the responsibility on ourselves as businesspeople to reply privately and sort of train ourselves as the ambassador said through virtual training and taking things a little bit more seriously online.

“One comment can either destroy you or your customer,” she said.

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