‘No idea about GCC’

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Members of the GCC during the first day of the meeting on Bau Island. Picture: SOPHIE RALULU

The absence of the Great Council of Chiefs for the past 16 years has left iTa­ukei youths in the dark about the important role of the iconic institution.

GCC Review Committee chairman Dr Jone Baledrokadroka said many youths who were born and raised over the past 16 years had no idea what the GCC was about or the reason for its existence.

“So we have had to explain to the youths during our consultation about the role of the GCC and why it was established in the colonial era,” Dr Baledrokadroka said.

“It’s a challenge and the big question for us is how to make it relevant to the youths of today who grew up in the 16 years when the GCC didn’t exist. Some youths don’t know the relevance of the GCC so we have had to explain this to them during the consultation.”

Dr Baledrokadroka said there was a perception among the youth that the GCC was too politicised.

“Again we have had to explain and ensure that there is a balance when we are sharing information about the GCC to this group of youths.

“The youths in consultations have also asked to be represented in the GCC so their views could be heard.”

Dr Baledrokadroka said most submissions from youths were received from university students.

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