Nailaga girls win AD Patel 7s title

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The Nailaga girls’ under-16 team one and two U16 – 1 and 2. Picture: SUPPLIED

Nailaga 1 defeated Nailaga 2 in the final of the AD Patel College 7s for under-16 girls which featured the Buller 7s team from New Zealand earlier this week.

The tournament was organised by AD Patel College with assistance from the Ba Rugby Union and Oceania Rugby’s Get Into Rugby Programme.

Eight teams from schools and clubs took part in what AD Patel College hopes to become an annual event building on the relationship with the Buller 7s side.

“It’s wonderful to see the grassroots development at this level,” BRU secretary Gaby Kautoga said.

“The special camaraderie between the girls from New Zealand and their hosts here in Ba shows that rugby is such a powerful tool for friendship and personal development.”

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