Letters to the Editor | Tuesday, May 23, 2023

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Pauline Piliae (c) was player of the match in the Wallaroos’ 36-19 rugby Test win over Fiji. Credit: AAP

Simply marvelous

I have nothing but praise for the Fijiana girls. From a very little country, they do Fiji proud when they battle against a much larger country with resources and experience much greater than has Fiji. The Fijiana are simply marvelous. P Kailola Suva

Extended role not needed

I disagree with former permanent secretary and current law academic Jioji Kotobalavu that the GCC should have an extended role of serving all Fijians enshrined in the constitution, rather than the Fiji military (FT 22/5). I believe neither should have that role. That is the central role and responsibility of the Fiji Government. The GCC and RFMF should stick to their lane and do a good job in doing what they are meant to do in a democratic society. There is no real need to stretch the prescribed role of either institutions of State and society. And, by the way, there is also no need for a separate institutional mechanism to deal with race relations as advocated by former PM and FLP leader Mahendra Chaudhry (FT 22/5) if existing institutions did what they are meant to do in a multiracial democracy. Rajend Naidu Sydney, Australia

Famous painter

WITH some nostalgia, I read the Look Back article in The Sunday Times 21/05, about one of Fiji’s famous painter back in the day, Semisi Naivakasoro, also known as Semisi Maya. Semisi, because of the ravages of leprosy, painted without the use of paintbrushes and deftly used the backs and heels of his hands, as well as his knuckles. His paintings were normally beach and sunset scenery-types and very popular because of its uniqueness and style. I am fortunate to own a framed one, although it is beginning to show some wear and tear, but it’s still a pleasure to behold. Edward Blakelock Pacific Harbour

Parliament issue

Michael Scott has posed the correct question in his letter in The Fiji Times (Sat 20/05) regarding the suspension of political parties which fail to comply with Sec.26 (2) of the Political Parties Act 2013. The prospect of the disfranchisement of the population is very real. And if all parties don’t comply — does Parliament cease to exist? This sad state of affairs falls squarely on the shoulders of the ousted FijiFirst government. During their watch, the basic tenets of making laws such as wide public consultations, thoughtful in-depth debates and processes hardly existed. Their process basically was one man; Order 51, vote on voices — presto! In the blink of an eye another law comes into existence! Through their erratic, flippant law-making spree for the past 16 years and their push to remain in power indefinitely, I believe an ill-considered law now exists. I believe this law — the Political Parties Act 2013 is just so petty in its contents and is unnecessary. Perhaps it was designed to stifle opposition against the FijiFirst party. It’s even doubtful if it was ever applied to the FijiFirst party during their time in government. Instead of calling for a review, the FEO should simply propose that this Act be repealed as soon as possible. For Parliament must exist! From its hallowed chambers comes all laws — from the prices we pay, to the kind of sentence a court may impose, to our freedom and the list goes on and on. William Rosa Ba

Happy learning, teaching

The school holiday is over and students resume lessons from today (Tuesday, May 23) for Term 2 academic year. This term compromises 14 constructive weeks of comprehensive teaching and learning. Students will also prepare themselves to sit for the mid-year examination this term. Students of Year 5 and 7 in primary schools will also attempt the Literacy and Numeracy Assessment (LANA) in another fortnight’s time. We would be celebrating a number of national and international events, beginning this week with the Ratu Sir Lala Sukuna Day celebrations. All the best of luck to all the students and teachers in Fiji and Rotuma for a happy teaching and learning. Stay blessed. DINESH KUMAR, Ba


Congratulations to our national rugby men’s 7s side for reaching the grand final in London after a disappointing performance in France a week earlier. It’s not an easy task to defeat the ever confident All Blacks in a semi-final encounter. The men from the Land of the Long White Clouds look like the super and performing team of this season. The red card is history and let us accept that the performances of Argentina against us, reflects years of their perseverance. We all have our views but let’s respect our players and management by showing our appreciation. If we criticise them, please let’s make it constructive and not personal. I have my questions about their training program and whether all is well in camp but I am positive that the recent results will push both our men and women to perform better on the sevens paddock. Floyd Robinson Micronesia

Blame game

Like it must be in other parts of the world when it relates to their number one sport, I think for Fiji, 7s rugby and the blame game are close relatives. With losses, blame is fired in all directions. The match officials, team officials, players, ground, weather, spectators, government, et cetera. You name it. It is their fault. On the contrary, with wins, I will put it in Amir Khan’s famous three words from the 3 Idiots blockbuster – All Is Well. Regardless of how the matches went. With wins, you may have noticed that most of the credit goes to God. Stuff like the match officials, weather and the government of the day never get mentioned. The 2022-2023 sevens season is one which Fijian fans would love to forget. Winless, I wonder if someone would claim that God was not on our side this season. Mohammed Imraz Janif Natabua, Lautoka

The semi-final

Boy! That semi- final was fire. But they had given their all before the must win final. It was hard to play with only six in that last game of the 2022/23 Series. Never mind, beating our traditional rival was enough satisfaction this time. For me, t’was an anti-climax final. De bad loser all the time! Edward Blakelock Admiral Circle, Pacific Harbour


The national 7s side earned praises after delivering a courageous performance at Twickenham, but went down to Argentina in the final. Fans were satisfied with the exceptional performance after the embarrassment in Toulouse the previous weekend. Our tackles mattered and the hits were felt by the opposition. There was much better coordination and communication and the boys showed urgency. I pity Josese Batirerega, who was red carded, for his performance was good. The boys need to be encouraged after Fiji failed to win a single tournament on the circuit. Even our little master, Jerry Tuwai, found it hard to contain his emotions in the final. I thank the 7s team for playing like soldiers and for playing their hearts out, but I reiterate my call- appoint a local trainer, who has a distinguished CV and proven track record, and appoint Sale Tubuna to assist Ben Gollings. Rajnesh Ishwar Lingam Nadawa, Nasinu

Term 2 starts

A new journey has begun for teachers and students. It is a term filled with activities and deadlines. Both teachers and students are prepared for the challenges ahead. I extend my best wishes to the Fiji and Rotuma Islands for a blessed and fruitful learning Term 2. RODNEY CLARENCE RAJ Naleba,Labasa

Back to school

It’s sad to note the unlawful imports of drugs as reported in The Fiji Times (22/5). If such activities are not controlled by the authorities concerned, they will lead to many drug related crimes spreading. Drug free Fiji should be everyone’s concern. Just say no to drugs. Tahir Ali Hamilton, New Zealand


The introduction of Girmit Day and the reinstatement of Ratu Sukuna Day as Fiji’s public holidays, is a very sensible and realistic idea made by our Coalition Government. It is not about its political agenda or anyone else’s for that matter, but the rich history that is engulfed within. After digging deeper into history, it is such an honour that our nation can be enlightened, by such provision. As always, this will be an important and progressive part of Fiji’s colonial history. Samu Silatolu Nakasi

Chiefly title

Our newspapers are very fond of addressing an iTaukei high chief when one has never been traditionally bestowed a chiefly title and registered by the chairman of the iTaukei Lands and Fisheries Commission of the Ministry of iTaukei Affairs. They confuse ordinary Fijians. Tukai Lagonilakeba Nadi

Spending money

I believe it would be better off to spend those hundreds of thousands of dollars to upgrade the Colonial War Memorial Hospital rather than spending it on seeking forgiveness of the few, on the dead and the meeting. I bet even the dead would agree to use that money on better things for the living, if only the dead could talk. AREKI DAWAI Suva


I think after the general election, Lenora Qereqeretabua has been largely out of the limelight. Mohammed Imraz Janif Natabua, Lautoka

Any time

Fiji beating the New Zealand All Blacks 7s team just shows if the Fiji team wants to win they can win anytime. Sukha Singh Labasa || may23lekap9 || Term 2 starts A new journey has begun for teachers

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