Letters to the Editor | Thursday, December 7, 2023

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Unlucky bounce … Fiji Airways Fiji 7s winger Vuiviawa Naduvalo attempts to kick the ball against New Zealand’s Tepaea Cook Savage during the Emirates Dubai Rugby 7s 2023 bronze medal play-off at The Sevens in Dubai on Friday 1st December 2023. Picture: Martin Seras Lima

Boring subject

Before it slips my mind again, ultimately the losses by Fiji in the 7s Mickey Mouse tournament in Dubai was all the referees’ fault. And all future losses and wins by Fiji in upcoming tournaments will all be the referees’ fault too. It is not rocket science. Now that I have clearly stated all the reasons, can the Mickey Mouse fans please not write about reasons and justifications for the wins and losses as writing about it over and over gets a bit boring — I mean a lot boring. Yes, I know, it is the same with my letters about this subject! Jan Nissar Sydney, NSW, Australia

True reconciliation

I HOPE the Coalition Government makes a call to release Ratu Suliano Matanitobua, Salote Radrodro and others who were put behind bars. Now since Niko is out ….. the rest should come out without delay. It will be a beautiful Christmas and new year with their loved ones. On the same note please also consider releasing George Speight. The guy has been there for way too long and I am sure he has paid more than enough for his crime. Please release them. It’s true that no one is born bad. Most don’t die bad either. Most change for the better in the interim. Release them please. That will be a true and real national reconciliation. A SHARIFF SHAH SAVUSAVU

New life for girl!

THE story (FT 05/12) of nine-year-old Adi Vasemaca Raravisa was so touching, as she was presented with her ‘Gift of Life’ certificate on Monday, courtesy of the team at the Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Children’s Hospital. Adi Vasemaca was one of the four patients discharged from the hospital after undergoing heart surgery. I was part of the presentation ceremony, and I thank Mahendra Tappoo for inviting me and our fellow writer Bhagwanji Bhindi to present the certificates. It was an emotional moment, as the parents spoke of the ordeal they went through and the challenges they faced. Speaking to this newspaper, Adi Vasemaca’s mother Adi Amerita Rabale shared what her daughter went through at a tender age. According to the mother, Adi Vasemaca had developed a fever and was taken to a hospital in Suva and later referred to the Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Children’s Hospital, where she was diagnosed after going through an echocardiogram, which revealed she had a hole in her heart. The family never lost hope and continually prayed for her surgery and condition. Her surgery was completed successfully. The scenes from Monday continue to remind me the important role that the Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Children’s Hospital plays for Fijians and those from the Pacific and I’m thankful to Sumeet and Dr Krupali Tappoo for initiating this free medical treatment. Sumeet and Krupali and Mr Mahendra Tappoo and his beautiful family are doing wonders. God bless them! RAJNESH ISHWAR LINGAM NADAWA, NASINU

Pensioner bus card top-up

MY 70-year-old friend informed me that she went to receive the promised $25 monthly top-up on her bus card two days ago, because her card held only 90 cents. However, the amount credited was just $7. My friend asked her elderly neighbours what amounts they had received: $6, $5, $9. Yesterday my friend’s card had $1.45 on it, after four bus trips (Nabua–town- Nabua) and three $1.10 trips (town-Edenville-town). It seems that the distance between ‘saying’ and ‘doing’ is not easy to travel in Fiji. P. KAILOLA SUVA

Labour challenge

IF the Government says there is a shortage of labour in our country, l do not believe it because that is only lip service and sheer politicking without doing something concrete. How many thousands of Fijians are unemployed if a survey and head count is carried out in our villages, peri-urban settlements, cities and towns. With school leavers and youths, it could collectively reach 140,000 in both boys and girls and I personally feel the onus is on our Coalition Government to get out there from their comfortable air-conditioned offices and chairs to go personally and seek them individually, convince them and accord them sponsored training specifically tailor-made for them and the labour market. 12/7/23, 11:14 AM The Fiji Times https://edition.fijitimes.com.fj/html5/reader/production/default.aspx?pubname=&pubid=e4fad093-33c6-4e8c-8f9d-b19c68c8b31a 2/2 Come on, it’s our country and I’m sure if they are convinced and coerced into it, Fijians will be obliged and much willingly as that is our nature, many are collectively just lost and undecided with the lack of funds. TUKAI LAGONILAKEBA NADI

Climate debate

SULTAN Al Jaber’s comment about there being “no science” that says phasing out fossil fuels is necessary to keep global warming under a critical threshold is interesting, and needs to be challenged by the very scientists who are proponents of the theory. The scientists have the ball in their court now and must counter the COP president’s “no science” remark. I’m wondering, and can’t stop laughing when I imagine Elon Musk as a climate champion and Musk telling Sultan what to do, somewhat like what he told the X advertising boycotters. DONALD SINGH SUVA

Cowboy drivers

I thank Colin Deoki, Australia — FT, Wednesday, December 6, 2023 for taking the time and effort to share his unfortunate experience with us on some reckless driver in the Nadi area, recently. (Bula vinaka Colin. MBHS 1967 4th Form — if my memory serves me correctly). There are several such drivers of heightened irresponsibility on many of our roads. LT and LM drivers alike. They are a real menace to all road users, and society, at large. Admittedly, LTA and/or police traffic officers cannot be every corner at all times. Somehow, a greater presence and scheduled random intervals, will help. (Constantly, on the move). Both the police traffic officers and LTA, now need to outsmart the “highway alert Viber group” numbering a staggering 14,000 membership who “tip off” each other of the presence of traffic officers. Why aren’t speed radars and cameras put to greater effective use? Are there professional and/or financial constraints? This hindrance cannot be permissable. Repeat offensive drivers do not belong behind any steering wheel. Show cause. Revoke licences. Period. The Martintar, Nadi stretch of the Queens Rd is a perfect place to find, book and suspend such drivers — the mainly younger and show-off drivers. I am reliably led to believe Namaka Police Station is desperately in need of more officers to allow to adequately carry out their work effectively. Cases must not be allowed to “drag” for months on end, allowing repeat of offences. Special courts for the speedy delivery of road traffic justice are now a necessity; more than ever. May I through this column, as a caring senior citizen, and retiree, make a fervent request to our ministers concerned to seriously address this shortfall with greater urgency, please. I understand our hardworking Namaka police officers are working 12-hour shifts. (They have families too). Cowboy drivers do not belong on our roads. Ronnie Chang Martintar, Nadi

Teachers role

The FTA general secretary Paula reveals that teachers are taking early retirement (FT 25/11 “Teachers quit roles”). It is said to note some teachers may be leaving due to many reasons including frustration because of students’ indiscipline. Some teachers are even sworn at by students. Teachers are to be respected with honour and dignity as they are committed to serve in this noble profession. Children who are out of control may create more crimes. Discipline children first. Tahir Ali Hamilton, New Zealand

COP 28

It is really deeply disappointing to hear that at the recent COP 28 conference we are given a measly few millions from the world’s emitters of CO2 while billions of dollars are needed. At the same time a decision to stop harnessing fossil fuels was not reached. It is so much easier for them to handout “blood money” to us while at the same time producing more fossil fuels and killing our planet. And this money is hard to assess too! What shame! Norman Yee Martintar, Nadi

Road safety 

CARELESS driving in Fiji has become a norm. Drivers, both new and experienced, have become victims of road fatality. Not only them, but innocent pedestrians have also lost their lives due to the carelessness of certain drivers. It is high time that something is done to curb these accidents. It is everyone’s responsibility to ensure that our roads are safe for motorists and pedestrians. I, for one, strongly believe that taking care of small things will allow bigger things to fall into place automatically. Some ways in which this can be done are: 1) light clothing should be worn at night while walking along the road, 2) authorities should also inspect vehicles at night to see how unscrupulous drivers drive on full beam and fail to switch them on low beam for approaching vehicles. It would also expose those with one headlight. The other day, I mistook a car for a motorbike. Phew! hunt those drivers making TikTok while driving at high speed and 4) do something about high crash sites, like the Natabua junction, during peak hours (4-6 pm). Of course, there are other ways to curb this that the authorities know better. These are just my two-cent views. Oh, on the same note, a big vinaka to the police officers controlling traffic along Kings Rd from Vomo St junction to Drasa Avenue School. AVITESH D KUMAR BA

Rat hole miners

“When the machinery broke, ‘rat hole miners’ dug by hand to rescue 41 trapped labourers in India.” Jan Nissar your Australian expert failed. By the way thanks for praising your expert. Sukha Singh Labasa

Soccer event

The Fiji Football Association is hosting an All Stars soccer tournament in Ba this week after a dismal outing at the Pacific Games. Adding butter, jam and honey will not help the soccer standard in Fiji, what is the technical director of FA thinking? I mean hosting a tournament when schools are having exams is very bad planning by Fiji Football. No wonder our soccer standard is going down because nothing can be planned properly by some at Fiji Football House. Geoffrey Chand Lautoka

Power issue

At approximately 3pm on Wednesday, December 6, 2023, parts of Martintar had an annoying EFL power outage lasting almost an hour. In this extreme heat, for senior citizens, in the 70-plus category, life become most unbearable laced with much discomfort. Humans are truly spoilt. The comforts electricity provide cannot be overstated. Almost all appliances function with electricity. Not everyone can afford their own generators in their twilight years. Ronnie Chang Martintar, Nadi

Sports review

Fiji needs a massive sports review from the Fiji Sports Council facilities, FASANOC, sports science, coach education, incentives, training programs, management, sports development, talent identification etc. Asish Vinay Prasad Park Rd., Raiwasa, Suva

Two cents worth

Now that one and two cent coins are no more, shouldn’t all prices be rounded figures or at the five cent intervals? Why do we have to keep rounding off because it can be misleading and confusing to some. And with the rounding off system in place, it is possible for traders to structure the price of goods so that it is always rounded off upwards and they never lose. I do believe the Consumer Council is the authority to check this out under CPA Act. Navneet Ram (TD) Lautoka




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