Work ahead of battle against Tahiti!
Despite the huge win versus the Northern Marianas, the Bula Boys have work ahead on their plate as they prepare to face Tahiti in their second pool match. Much to the disappointment of fans, the match was not televised live on Fiji One. Hence, many football fans missed the 10-nil victory at the Stiff Academy in Honiara. Roy Krishna netted a hat-trick, and the likes of Nabil Begg, Etonia Dogalau, Thomas Dunn, Sairusi Nalaubu and Gabriele Matanisiga also found their names on the scoring sheet. I agree with Krishna that despite the impressive win, they had work to do, and that there were areas the team must work on as the Bula Boys progress into the competition. Krishna also reminded the boys to be more patient with the ball and get control of the game more. Fans here and overseas are eagerly waiting for the Bula Boys to break the 20-year-old drought. We have a strong squad- mixture of experience and youth. All the best Bula Boys! RAJNESH ISHWAR LINGAM Balgovind Rd, Nadawa, Nasinu
Displaced villagers
I AM of the opinion that it is more objective and logical for the NGO Coalition on Human Rights Fiji to apply for a permit and hold a rally in support of the displaced villagers of Nabavatu in Macuata who have spent almost three years in the wilderness. The villagers has been waiting in vain to be relocated to a piece of land where they can build a safe and decent roof above their heads, access to clean treated water and other basic human necessity. I do feel for the innocent Palestinian people, but I suppose it is fundamental and foremost for the NGO Coalition on Human Rights Fiji to showcase their grave concerns and build an international support base that the villagers of Nabavatu do get the basic humanitarian necessity assistance soon rather than trying to display their political support to a cause which is totally out of their control. AREKI DAWAI Samabula, Suva
Stop the slaughter
TWO wrongs will never ever make “one right”. At the very outset, Hamas were wrong for reportedly killing 1400 innocent Israelis on October 07, 2023 From October 08, 2023 to date, and counting, Israeli forces have mass slaughtered 11,000 Palestinians – the majority being innocent women, children, infants, prematurely born infants still in incubators, the elderly, the sick and the wounded. This mass killing continues daily. Both Hamas and Israel are pre-determined to be guilty of war crimes. Israeli prime minister listens to no one but himself as judge, jury and executioner. In my humble view, mounting international pressure calls are getting louder for a cease-fire. No matter how wrong the offenders can be Israel does not reserve any right or licence to kill the innocent. In Jesus holy name, for God’s greater glory, the cruel slaughter of innocent Palestinians can never ever be deemed “good riddance”. This is criminal. Are we not God-fearing? Respectfully, in my humble view, by strongly supporting occupiers Israel, Germany, United Kingdom and the great USA, are today complicit in not calling a cease-fire. This humanitarian catastrophe must stop for humanity’s sake. It is time. Pull away from this genocidal precipice. Greater men will do this. Cowards and bullies will not. RONNIE CHANG Martintar Nadi
Slow Internet
I USE Digicel as my internet service provider and for a long time the internet speed has been very slow. Despite it being a 4G network, the download speed remains in kilobytes. Whenever a complaint is lodged, the only response is “please restart your Wi-Fi.” Through this column, I wish to inform the big bosses at Digicel that refreshing does not solve the problem. Could your engineers please conduct home visits to find out what the actual cause of slow internet is? We pay for your service and expect it to be good. Getting download speeds in kilobytes is simply unacceptable. I’m sure this problem is not limited to me. There are thousands of very frustrated customers. SANJEET PRASAD Mani Rd, Bulileka, Labasa
Being a leader
IN the 2023 Leadership Fiji, the President said: “In a high position and authority, demands great responsibility.” I believe it is obvious that in every level of society, beginning from the family, a responsible leader matters most. It is not just the position, but making an impact. Not just the title, but making a difference. Not just respect, but demand transformation. These, I think, should be the “apex” of being in leadership. SAMU SILATOLU Nakasi
Vicious cycle
ARVIND Mani’s understanding of poverty and the poor would improve vastly if he went beyond his father’s insights (ST 19/11) to read the report by UN Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights, Olivier De Shutter, titled The persistence of poverty: how real equality can break the vicious cycle. Although poverty and privilege “continue to reproduce themselves in vicious cycles” it is possible to break the chain and shift the paradigm. He contends that “with political will” it is possible to end centuries of entrenched inequality and “move from fate to opportunity”. Contrary to Arvind’s spurious claim the government has a pivotal role to play in addressing poverty as the former Reserve Bank of Fiji Governor Savenaca Narube pointed out. RAJEND NAIDU SYDNEY, NSW, AUSTRALIA
Early rush
MOHAMMED IMRAZ JANIF NATABUA, LAUTOKA SATURDAYS are busy days. It has become synonymous with shopping, noise and crowded places. The heat doesn’t make it any easier. To beat all this, a father (with his daughter) was evidently in a rush early last Saturday morning. With his trolley half full, he was at the vegetables section. The daughter packed four cucumbers and gave it the to supermarket employee. Some items need weighing for it to get priced. While this was happening, the father took his mobile phone out but got ushered by the daughter instantly. He was well on his way to make the payment via M- PAiSA.
Horrible road
I WRITE this open letter to the Minister for Works to express my frustration on behalf of Vuci Rd commuters. This is a very busy road and thousands commute on it on a daily basis and through the Suva-Nausori corridor to reach work and what a pain to use Vuci Rd for travelling! On Saturday, November 18, I attended a funeral service at Raralevu Gas Crematorium and had to travel on Vuci Rd to reach there. I was shocked to see and experience the horribly dilapidated condition of this road. It has been totally neglected for years. One cannot simply dodge the gaping potholes. The bumps shake the guts out of you as one clutches desperately on the steering wheel ! As other vehicles zigzag to avoid the holes a dangerous situation is created; accidents are bound to happen. After the building of the Raralevu Gas Crematorium, traffic has substantially increased on this road. However, I do not see the reasons for neglecting this important road. For the sake of the dead and their final journey this road must be improved. No further shuffling of feet will be tolerated by the commuters. The Coalition Government must keep its promises of improving the infrastructure. They will do well to start with the Vuci Rd in Nausori. Further, it is worth noting that the Raralevu Gas Crematorium committee is in the process of building a morgue to accommodate 18 dead bodies. It is praiseworthy that they provide free cremation for destitutes, elderly and people from care institutions such as St Christopher’s Home. This is certainly a praiseworthy social service provided by this committee. People who need help can contact the office at the Raralevu Gas Crematorium at the crematorium. Finally my humble appeal, on behalf of the Vuci community, to the Minister for Works to make Vuci Rd upgrade a priority project. DEWAN CHAND Namadi Heights, Suva
RIP Chandra
I was saddened to read about the demise of Professor Rajesh Chandra. According to Wikipedia, in February 2005, Professor Chandra was appointed the first vice-chancellor of the University of Fiji. He played a vital role in the success of the university. He served as vice-chancellor and president of USP ending his term in December 2018. Professor Chandra, who was born in Maro, completed his Bachelor of Arts degree at USP with distinction, holding a PhD in Industrial/Development Geography, which he completed between 1981 and 1985 at the University of British Columbia. He is the author of more than 45 articles in academic journals and books. He is also the author/editor of five books, including Industrialization and Development in the Third World and An Atlas of Fiji. As an academic, Professor Chandra contributed immensely towards education and left a lasting impression and legacy that will take time to fill. His dedication and unwavering commitment were praised by many at USP. In addition, his simplicity, humility, passion, determination, respect, and hard work will be remembered in years to come. My sincere and heartfelt sympathy and condolences to the grieving family. Rest high, Professor Chandra! RAJNESH ISHWAR LINGAM Balgovind Rd, Nadawa, Nasinu
A necessity
I BELIEVE access to clean treated water, roof over our heads, medical facilities, supported education, better roads etc is a fundamental component of human necessity. AREKI DAWAI Maharaj Place, Samabula, Suva
Walk the talk
HAS any government minister or a civil servant visited places where much-needed improvements are needed for example footpaths, signage, road markings, public parks, to name a few. Let us work together to improve our beloved country. Establish a 24-hour general phone line to register any suggestions or improvements. Then you see the fun. ASISH VINAY PRASAD Park Rd, Raiwasa
United, stable
ONE of the deputy prime ministers says that there is no split in his party or the government. So, it must be true. I have always maintained that this is the most united and stable government in the history of Fiji, led by an internationally recognised and reformed elder statesman. JAN NISSAR Sydney, NSW, Australia
Sniffer dogs
CAN the Fiji Police Commissioner and the Minister for Education get together and approve the use of sniffer dogs in all schools around Fiji to try and eradicate the drug trade. If children are caught their parents must be held responsible and punishment must be given according to law with corporal punishment. TUKAI LAGONILAKEBA Nadi
Eye on corruption
I THINK John Kamea says all that needs saying on participatory democracy at the local community level (ST 19/11 ). One thing that voters and ratepayers must do is to keep a hawk’s eye on corruption — the palm greasing kind. Historically that has undermined good governance a whole lot more than incompetence. RAJEND NAIDU Sydney, NSW, Australia
Soccer ranking
AUSTRALIA is 27th. NZ is 100th. Fiji is 170th. In the ’80s and ’90s we used to beat them. Our president says we are in the right direction. Mr president, are you looking from top down or vice versa. Ship out please before you take us in the same route as Titanic. Only 35 places left. Easier to go 35 down versus 170 up. SHAH SHAREEF Savusavu