Kuruleca urges parents to stop wasting State resources

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Education Ministry permanent secretary Selina Kuruleca. Picture: ATU RASEA

Permanent secretary for Ministry of Education Selina Kuruleca is urging parents and guardians not to waste government resources.

Ms Kuruleca’s comment follows after concerns were raised that some parents had not used the $200 back-to-school assistance on their children’s school needs.

There’d been complaints that students who’d received the back-to-school assistance were not able go to school on Tuesday because their parents or guardians had not bought their school supplies.

“The Government has invested and continues to invest in the education of our children,” Ms Kuruleca said.

In response to queries by this newspaper, Ms Kuruleca said education was important because of the crucial role it played improving people’s lives.

“We continue to urge parents the importance of supporting their children and ensuring we do not waste government resources and investment,” she added.

A total of $45million was allocated to assist students in the 2024 academic year through the back-to-school initiative.

More than 220,000 families earning $50,000 and below were supported through the assistance.

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