Judy maps netball pathway

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Salad Bowl netball club team members and officials pose for a photo. Picture: SUPPLIED

Salad Bowl Netball Club official Judy Kumar says they would like to approach the Nadroga Rugby Union to work together to revive the sport in the province.

She planned to set up a platform with the union to attract more players to play netball.

Kumar said the association committee members were trying to run their competition coincidentally with the union’s calendar.

She said this was a way of the netball committee’s plan for grassroots development.

“The main aim in terms of the development plan is to try to work a way forward for netball with rugby,” he said.

“We will be trying to engage the two sports together for the betterment of netball players in the province.

“We aim to run tournaments and if we get rugby to engage in it will help us a lot. Rugby has more development plans and strategies, so most of the women players play rugby, whenever they have a break, they come and play netball and we can see they are fitter and faster.

“They play fast pace netball when they turn up and that is what we want from our players.

“I am glad rugby is looking into getting our women to play rugby.

She said all they needed was support.

“We will begin our knockout tournament in May and I am requesting business houses to come and support these players because they
are the future representatives of either sport.

“To have a good competition, we will need good sponsorship.”

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