Janson expects tickets sell out

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Featured artists who will be performing at the Golden Dragon Jubilee Celebration this Friday. Picture: SUPPLIED

The Golden Nightclub Jubilee celebration tickets are expected to sell out before this Friday, says Golden Dragon music store owner and musician Ken Janson.

Featured artistes started rehearsals on Monday as most of them flew in from overseas and Janson is urging the younger musicians to take an interest in showing up on the night as it can give them a fair idea of how music was back in the day.

“Ticket sales have been pretty good so far,” Janson said.

“A lot of people, especially corporate companies, have purchased tickets.

“There are ministers as well who will be present and quite a few from overseas as well, so the turnout will be really good.

“The featured artistes will come together on Monday, including the ones from overseas, and rehearsals will start then.

“This can be something younger musicians can come and see in terms of the standard music and that will be set up by Kuki Nayacakalou, Victor Rounds and Henry Foon because they are rubbing shoulders with the current music scene in Australia.

“They are right up there and it would be nice to have the younger generation purchase tickets as well to listen and to feel what standard music is like.”

The grand reunion of past and present music greats will happen on Friday, May 17, and will feature artists such as Janson himself, Rounds, Foon, Tom Mawi, Nayacakalou, Jimi Nathu, Eni Kumar, Same and Anne Mawi, Catny N Rice, Wise Baledrokadroka, Mike Reymond, Ditui Abariga, Izzy Vulaca, Ben Masirewa, Joe Heritage and Nez Hazelman.

Tickets are being sold at $180 and you can purchase them from the Dragon Music store or online at www.ticketmax.com.

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