Investor threatens legal action

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Infinite Power chief executive officer Robert Beam. Picture: SUPPLIED

Infinite Power chief executive officer Robert Beam has condemned the cancellation by the Government of contracts signed by his company and two government agencies for the provision of renewable wind-powered energy.

And he has threatened litigation for what he believes are “invisible hands” that have politicised the initiative.

“I’m going to sue everybody for everything I can get,” Mr Beam said.

“This has been months and months of time I’ve spent here, my company has spent thousands of dollars here. We presented this the right way to everybody we needed to and everybody agreed it’s the best thing they’ve ever heard.” Government yesterday said the contracts were “unenforceable” as due process were not followed by the company.

“The best renewable energy contract that ever came to Fiji that we’re funding ourselves and which the government don’t even have to pay for, and it’s getting cancelled by some guy, who’s the Deputy Prime Minister? He’s not even the Prime Minister? He’s doing that while the Prime Minister is away at a renewable energy conference. This doesn’t make any sense.

“This is defaming my company, trying to make me look like I’ve done something wrong. And I haven’t done anything wrong.”

The company had signed Power Purchasing Agreements (PPA) with the Fiji Sports Council and the Ministry of Fisheries and Forestry to provide power for ice plants and sporting facilities around Fiji and Rotuma.

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