Inspired by a school motto; Nadre aims higher

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Jone Navalolo Nadre after the Fiji National University graduation at the Vodafone Arena in Suva. Picture: JONACANI LALAKOBAU

Some things linger forever.

For Jone Navalolo Nadre, one of them is his high school motto – “Arise, Awake and Stop Not till the Goal is Reached”.

In fact, that adage was something he held close to his heart during his university journey.

Nadre graduated from the Fiji National University earlier this month with a Bachelor’s Degree in Hospitality and Hotel Management.

He said his journey was an uphill battle through rugged terrain.

However, through it all, he was constantly reminded to “stop not till the goal is reached”.

He remembers falling short in one of his units in his first year at university.

“I can recall in my first year I fell short in one of my units due to some challenges,” he said.

“It was disappointing, but I knew I had to work harder the following semester.”

With his “never give up ” attitude, Nadre worked diligently to ensure that he passed the units he failed.

He had hopes of working in the hotel industry one day.

The young man from Nadroga said the inspiration of working in the hotel industry came from his family.

“Many of family members work in the hotel industry so naturally I was interested in joining it.

“Also, I grew up in the Western Division. Seeing people working in resorts and hotels was common so I was drawn to that.”

But just as Nadre’s academic pursuit started to fall into place, the COVID-19 pandemic struck, impacting the very industry he dreamt of working in.

“When COVID hit and the lockdown happened, things became challenging.

“Not only because we had to study from home and be away from family and friends but also because I had to decide whether I wanted to continue studying.”

As the pandemic continued to wreak havoc across the globe and affect the local tourism industry, he was almost on the verge of switching his university degree.

However, through those doubtful times he was reminded once again of his high school motto – “Arise, Awake and Stop Not till the Goal is Reached”.

The Swami Vivekananda College motto inspired Nadre to reset and refocus on his goal and not stop till he achieved it.

Though there were many uncertainties surrounding the tourism industry, the 23-year-old forged forward and pursued his degree in the Hospitality and Hotel Management.

“There were many who advised against joining the industry because of COVID but I stayed true to my dreams.

“I knew what I wanted and I was not going to stop till I reached it.”

He added that his family had been his pillar of strength.

“My family was always there for me during those challenging years.

“I would like to thank them very much for being by my side through the four years and I hope I have made them proud.”

Mr Nadre’s perseverance was rewarded again prior to his graduation when he was offered employment at the luxurious Fiji Marriott Resort Momi Bay.

He said the degree he earned was the icing on the cake for him.

But his dream does not stop there.

The motivated and passionate young man plans to pursue further studies and eventually climb up the ladder in his field.

“I plan to work hard, prove myself at work and gather as much experience as I can. I want to move up to supervisorial and managerial positions too, so I must work hard to get that.”

He urged young people to believe in themselves and stay true to their passion.

“Having the ‘never give up’ attitude and the passion will definitely assist you in achieving your goals so set your goals high and stop not till you achieve them.”

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