‘I did not dream this will happen’

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Viliame Tuimaro (left) and wife Ilisi Tuimaro at their home at Jittu Estate in Suva, on Mon 03 Oct 2022. Picture: ANA DIMATE

The parents of Waisea Tikomaiserene, the 16-year-old boy who died during a drinking party at Jittu Estate on Sunday, claim their son may have been thrown to the ground.

Fighting to hold back his tears, Viliame Tikomaiserene said he could not believe his son was no longer with them.

“Every time he would go drinking with his friends, Waisea would always return home,” he said. “I did not dream that this would happen.

“Waisea was a hardworking boy and always listened to what I would tell him.

“Because he was no longer in school, he would always accompany me in planting on our farm. “I will miss him so much.”

His wife, Ilisi Tuimaro, said she did not buy the story his drinking buddies had told her.

She said they were awoken by a group of boys outside their home at 2am.

“They said Waisea was found motionless at a drinking spot nearby,” Ms Tuimaro said.

“The boys he was drinking with told me he had blacked out but I knew he had died on the spot.

“When I touched him I could feel his body was cold, this was before we took him to the Colonial War Memorial (CWM) hospital around 3am.”

Ms Tuimaro claimed her son may have been involved in an argument with a man who had quizzed his wife about drinking with the boys that night.

She claimed the exchange became heated and the man may have picked Waisea and thrown him to the ground.

Ms Tuimaro said Jittu Estate was divided into nine zones, but those tasked with looking after areas of responsibility were not taking the issues at Jittu Estate seriously.

“They should patrol the area at night to check on what the youths are doing.”

Police said they were still investigating the death and awaiting post mortem examination results.

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