‘I always respect my opponents’

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Lesio Baleikasavu Yahavala at the BoxFit Gym in Suva on Tuesday. Picture: JONACANI LALAKOBAU

There will be no excuse for boxer Lesio Yahavala when he steps into the ring on Saturday during the Bluewater Boxing Promotions.

Yahavala has been preparing for his bout for the past 11 weeks, understanding the capabilities of his opponent Kolinio Luvelolo.

This cruiserweight bout will mark his second fight as a professional boxer.

“I always respect my opponents, I never trash talk,” he said.

“Every fight is tough because I’m on a personal development journey where I’m just trying to challenge myself.

I know Kolinio Luvelolo is a good boxer so I’m going to get a really good test.

“My first pro fight was good, I got exposed to a large crowd compared with amateur level.

I’ve already done the hard yards, I’ve had a lot of help from my coach and the other boys, I’ve gone past 11 weeks of preparation now so, there will be no excuse.”

This will be one of the 10 fights that will be witnessed on Saturday at the Vodafone Arena in Suva.

The main bout will be between Joseph Kwadjo and Alivereti Kauyaca, however, the most anticipated fight is between Ubayd Haider and Mohammed Ali in the main supporting bout.