High export demand for agro commodities

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Navua farmers Hari Prasad (left) and Dhirendra Pratap (second from right) are flanked by AMA field boys sent by AMA to help harvest and transport 4000 matured dalo from a family-owned farm in Navua. Picture: DIONISIA TABUREGUCI

There’s more demand for export of Fiji-grown agricultural produce than from the domestic market, the Fiji Agromarketing Authority (AMA) said.

“At times the demand exceed supply,” said AMA executive chairman Jone Sovalawa.

“The challenge is to ensure that supply is consistent, meaning quantity and quality of supply of agricultural commodities that are to be exported meet the criteria of destination countries,” he said.

“Customers overseas are very particular in terms of shape, freshness, sizes and qualities and farmers must understand their expectations.”

Mr Sovalawa also called for consistency in supply quality, especially of dalo.

“Containers cannot be sent on time because it takes longer to fill up containers because of this inconsistency.

“With an increase in the Fijian diaspora in Australia and New Zealand, it is putting a lot of pressure on farmers to produce more.”

He urged rural dwellers that have idle land to use it for farming.

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