FijiFirst names 20 – Naupoto, Naivalurua in lineup

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FijiFirst general secretary Aiyaz Sayed Khaiyum with their new candidates during the announcement in Suva, on Thurs 06 Oct 2022. Picture: ELIKI NUKUTABU

Former military commander Viliame Naupoto and former police and corrections commissioner Ioane Naivalurua are among the 20 provisional candidates for the 2022 General Election announced by FijiFirst party general secretary Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum yesterday.

Also in the lineup are former Land Transport Authority CEO Naisa Tuinaceva and Fiji Disabled Peoples Federation president Peniasi Rawaidranu.

At the announcement, Mr Sayed-Khaiyum said he warned party candidates of the “financial consequences” if they did not make it into Parliament. He also said the party had been very upfront with people because some had sacrificed “good jobs” to contest the elections under the FijiFirst banner.


  • Meleti Raimuria
  • Viliame Naupoto
  • Watisoni Raikadroka
  • Asesela Cokanacagi
  • Ratu Josaia Niudamu
  • Iowane Naivalurua
  • Penioni Ravunawa
  • Shalen Kumar
  • Penijamini Vukivou
  • Jacob Abraham
  • Naisa Tuinaceva
  • Ifereimi Waisale
  • Mohammed Rafi q
  • Aliki Bia
  • Elaine Veena Chandra
  • Zarina Begum
  • Vereniki Sauturaga
  • Peniyasi Rowaidranu
  • Hem Chand
  • Rinesh Sharma
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