Fiji PM: 2050 Blue Pacific strategy a vision and hope for a sustainable Pacific

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Fijian PM Voreqe Bainimarama at the launch of the 2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific Continent in New York. Picture: FIJI GOVERNMENT

The 2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific Continent is more than a framework, it is a vision and hope for a sustainable Pacific.

It is also a defiant and unified message of resilience “that represents who we are as proud Pacific people”.

Addressing leaders at the launch of the strategy in New York on Thursday this week, Fijian Prime Minister and chair of the Pacific Islands Forum Voreqe Bainimarama said: “We are here (New York) because our future is tied to the entire world, and the entire world needs  to hear our message.”

“The larger high-emitting countries cannot tune out or turn away from what we are here to say. Together, we are an oceanic superpower,” Mr Bainimarama said.

“We are the guardians of the world’s largest ocean, ecosystem and carbon sink.

“We know the power we wield and we will not go willingly toward the catastrophe of two degrees or more of global warming.

“We will not be stalled or intimidated into inaction. And we will not be quiet about what is necessary to save us.

“We have a game plan for our best possible future and that future is worth fighting for.”

Mr Bainimarama said the strategy reflected the type of future he would want for his children and grandchildren – one where everyone is safe and secure despite climate change challenges.

He said the strategy also placed a central focus on the ocean, which he added was central to people’s identity, livelihoods and as large ocean states,

“… Ultimately, this strategy is about ensuring that by 2050, we the peoples of the Pacific are able to support and sustain ourselves.

“That we are not dependent on others. Or susceptible whenever there is a global shock.”

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