Fiji bids to host in 2031

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FASANOC president Makarita Lenoa . Picture: FILE.

FIJI has expressed interest in hosting the 2031 Pacific Games at the General Assembly yesterday.

FASANOC president Makarita Lenoa confirmed Fiji along with five other nations have expressed their interest in hosting the Games.

“The other countries are Vanuatu, Guam, American Samoa, Tonga and Papua New Guinea.

“There will be a process so we will await a letter or communication from the Pacific Games Council where we will be advised on when we will need to actually submit the bid which is not very long from now.

“We will go back now and work with the Government of Fiji and also the opposition so it’s important that we have their support as well,” Lenoa explained.

She said earlier this year, the Prime Minister, Sitiveni Rabuka had expressed and interest and support for Fiji to host the 2031 Games.

The bid will be presented next year in Palau, seven years before 2031.

Tahiti will host the next games which is planned for 2027.

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