FEO app to include data on Government distribution boundaries

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Australian High Commissioner to Fiji, John Feakes, Fiji Human Rights and Anti-Discrimination Commission director Ashwin Raj, Fijian Electoral Commission chairman Suresh Chandra, Supervisor of Elections Mohammed Saneem during the launch of the Fijian Elections Office results app at Suvavou House in Suva. Picture: FT FILE/VILIMAINA NAQELEVUKI

THE Fijian Election Office (FEO) app will soon include another tab that will list the data based on the Government distribution boundaries.

During a press conference this afternoon, Supervisor of Elections Mohammed Saneem said the FEO app presently gave people the breakdown of statistics based on the FEO administrative areas.

“We will be updating the FEO app with another tab that will be listing the data based on the Government distribution boundaries – the Eastern, Central, Western Division based on the government boundaries,” Mr Saneem said.

He said the FEO app would soon avail the distribution of the data to members of the public based on the Government’s distributional boundaries in terms of Eastern, Western, Northern and this would allow them to use the platform to compare the votes from 2014 and 2018.

“We will keep both on the app because right now, there is a quite quick reaction to these things and we would like to ensure that both are there so that people do not jump the gun and say something is changed.

“We will keep it there for a while and probably later on, we will take down the FEO administrative boundaries and keep it to the Government boundaries.”

Fact file:

2018 General Election

  • Total votes cast: 458,532 (72 per cent turnout)
  • Total number of invalid votes: 4197 (0.92 per cent)
  • Total number of polling stations: 2173
  • Total number of polling venues: 1436
  • Total number of ballot boxes: 12,173
  • FEO conducted 3069 awareness sessions
  • Total number of votes received by 10 women parliamentarians: 25,618
  • Update for election officials that worked on November 14 – 8894 officials have already been paid by FEO

Source: FEO


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