Code of practice for EIA consultants

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Director Environment Sandeep Singh. Picture: REINAL CHAND/FT FILE

Under the Environment Management (EIA Process) Regulations 2007, Code of Practice for Environmental Impact Assessment Consultants, the director responsible for environment has the authority to cancel or refuse to renew the registration of EIA consultants if they are found in breach of the code of practice.

Gazetted last month, the Code of Practice also requires EIA consultants to comply with the code and sign the declaration set out in the Schedule and must also act professionally and in an unbiased manner.

According to the Government Gazette the EIA consultant must:

  • strictly operate under the area of specialisation that he or she is registered for
  • strive to increase the overall quality of the EIA
  • assist those under his or her supervision in developing their management and professional skills
  • not undertake any job that he or she is incompetent to perform
  • not represent conflicting or competing interests and must disclose to any client or employer any relationship that may influence his or her judgement
  • not accept or offer any inducement, commission, gift or any other benefit, from or to any interested party, or knowingly allow colleagues to do so
  • not communicate false or misleading information that may compromise the integrity of an EIA; and
  • co-operate fully with any inquiry in the event of any breach of this code of practice.

It states that if the EIA consultant is dissatisfied with any of the Director Environment with respect to registration, he or she may, in writing, appeal to the Permanent Secretary responsible for environment.

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