Climate change fight: Asia-Pacific DRR ministers reminded of their responsibility

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Climate projections for the region paint a grim picture with all climate change scenarios show that Asia and the Pacific would be most impacted, says Minister for Rural and Maritime Development and Disaster Management Inia Seruiratu. Picture: FILE

Climate projections for the region paint a grim picture with all climate change scenarios showing that Asia and the Pacific would be most impacted, says Minister for Rural and Maritime Development and Disaster Management Inia Seruiratu.

Speaking during the Pacific reception at the Asia-Pacific Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (APMCDRR) in Brisbane, Australia last month, he reminded disaster risk reduction (DRR) ministers from the
Asia-Pacific region of their responsibility in building community resilience.

He said climate projections for Asia and the Pacific showed that it would be most impacted by heavy precipitation, followed by agricultural drought, hot temperatures/heat waves, and warming winds with intensifying tropical cyclones.

Mr Seruiratu said these increasing hazards would exacerbate underlying vulnerabilities and exposure to place the communities at even greater risk to calamities.

“As disaster ministers, our countries depend on us to further the disaster risk management agenda and in ensuring that the partnerships we forge will elevate and enhance the futures of our people,” he said.

“We must take every opportunity to build our resilience at all levels and ensure that resilience should be at the forefront of our development agendas.

“We must also build upon the existing capacities of our people to formulate innovative and local solutions to our problems.”

He also reminded his counterparts on the importance of forums such as the APMCDRR.

“We must continue the dialogue and sharing of experiences and drawing upon each other’s strengths in the spirit of collaboration to further promote the interests of our respective countries and the region as a whole.”

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