Chosen at 10.45pm – Radrodro says he and predecessor should meet

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Minister for Education, Aseri Radrodro and former Minister for Education, Premila Kumar. Picture: SUPPLIED

Minister for Education Aseri Radrodro says his ministry is investigating an incident where more than 30 appointments were conducted by previous minister Premila Kumar at 10.45pm on December 23 last year.

He said instead of questioning appointments he has recently made, which followed due process, Mrs Kumar should front up with the questionable activities done under her watch.

“Perhaps Premila should come and meet me face to face so we can discuss these many other issues that I have directed to be investigated,” Mr Radrodro said.

He said this included the hurried appointment of the 30-plus appointments done on December 23, led by the former minister at the Ministry of Education board room at around 10.45pm, the eve of the swearing-in of the Coalition Government.

“These are very serious anomalies, especially when at such a time, the coalition partners had agreed to form the next government, so the minister has a lot of explaining to do,” Mr Radrodro said.

“Why couldn’t the appointments wait for the new minister to review? Mr Radrodro asked.

“What was the rush for? Are there some shortcuts in those appointments?

“Similarly, there are investigations being conducted on some ministry staff and teachers said to have allegedly campaigned for the former minister Mrs Premila Kumar and another FFP candidate who was a former ministry staff.

“If proven to be correct, these actions and issues raised can be challenged for it would breach the PSC (Public Service Commission) Code of Conduct and may even suggest forms of malpractice that we will be forced to hand over to the respective authorities to investigate further,” Mr Radrodro said.

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