Call for improved accessibility to service for elderly

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Assistant Minister for Women, Children and Social Protection Sashi Kiran, says young girls are leaving their homes because they may not be getting the love they need. Picture: ELIKI NUKUTABU

Private and public entities are being asked to consider improving accessibility to services for pensioners and elderly persons.

Assistant Minister for Women, Children and Social Protection Sashi Kiran said these were men and women who have contributed to nation-building, “and it was only appropriate to recognise their wisdom and good deeds which has positively impacted our lives today”.

“Our elders in their wisdom helped mold our children to be good decision-makers, especially for parents that are fortunate to have grandparents at hand to help in the raising of their young ones,” she said in her address at the Fiji Pensioners’ Association annual general meeting at the Fiji Football Association headquarters in Suva on Saturday.

“I call on business houses, the transport sector, financial institutions, and service providers to improve accessibility not only for our pensioners but for all our elderly.

“Improved accessibility in terms of lowering steps and allocated seats on all public transport, elderly seating spaces and personnel to prioritise serving the elderly in banks and medical facilities for example, to ensure they are not kept waiting in long queues.”

Ms Kiran said improved accessibility would ensure that the elderly are better-taken care of.

“As part of development initiatives, it is only right that we develop an understanding of the aging process, pay a little more attention to their needs, and improve their access to basic services if we are to be an age-inclusive society.

“Not only because we owe it to them, more importantly it will ensure their rights and well-being are taken care of and they continue to live a life of dignity.”

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