‘Beacon of hope’ for Frank Hilton Organisation

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Shiva Karan of Shivas Regal Project receives the certifi cate of appreciation from Frank Hilton Organisation CEO Sureni Perera in Suva yesterday. Picture: JONA KONATACI

The Frank Hilton Organisation (FHO) has received a boost of $A12,408.50 ($F17,911.65)from the Australia-based Shivas Regal Project.

The Shivas project is a group of musicians who use their musical talents to raise funds through ticket sales and a GoFundMe campaign.

FHO chief executive Sureni Perera said the funds would be directed to the organisation’s 24-hour residential care facility which accommodates 11 residents who require a high level of support.

Ms Perera said the funds would also assist FHO in the procurement of wheelchairs from overseas.

Shiva Regal Project founder Shiva Karan said he drew inspiration from his parents’ lives and their legacy of giving back to society.

He said the group hoped, through its musical work, to be a beacon of hope to children living with disabilities in the country.

Ms Perera said other Fijians who would like to help the organisation could visit their website to find out ways in which they cu make a contribution.

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