Amrit to Riyaz: I’ve got receipts

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FBC board chairman Ajay Bhai Amrit during a news conference at Broadcasting House on Monday, February 6, 2023. Picture: IAN CHUTE

I’ve got receipts. Fiji Broadcasting Corporation board chairman Ajay Bhai Amrit said this in reply to claims by former FBC CEO Riyaz Sayed-Khaiyum that he was not paid the monthly salary of $32,000 announced by Mr Amrit in an earlier news conference.

Speaking to the media yesterday, Mr Amrit said the information had been double checked over the weekend by the FBC finance team and confirmed that Mr Sayed-Khaiyum received an annual package of $387,790.08 inclusive of benefits and entitlements.

He said this worked out to $32,315.84 per month. Mr Amrit said in 2020 Mr Sayed-Khaiyum’s salary was cut by 12 per cent in April and fully reinstated seven months later.

He said he had the payslips to back it up. “So the total 12 per cent reduction in salary during the COVID year, which is approximately seven months, amounts to $14,259.97,” he said.

“But with his KPIs (key performance indicators) and company bonus he was given for the 2020 financial year, was $27,671.28.

“We’ve got everything to back it up, we’ve got it all written down, and it’s in the contract.”

Mr Amrit said two payments were made from FBC to Motor Part Traders, also trading as Sakura Cars Ltd, amounting to $207,470 for a vehicle for the former CEO.

“I’ve got receipts of that. “So the money we sent from FBC, this payment was made from FBC to Motor Part Traders also trading as Sakura Cars Ltd in two payments.”

Mr Amrit said the findings would be referred to the relevant authorities for a decision on the nest course of action.

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