Age limit on vehicles

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Acting Lands Transport Authority CEO Irimaia Rokosawa with executives of the Fiji Rental Car Association. Picture: SUPPLIED

The Fiji Rental Car Association has proposed an age limit of five years be placed on second hand cars and an eight-year age limit on new vehicles.

The association met acting Lands Transport Authority CEO Irimaia Rokosawa last week.

LTA had communicated to the association that complaints had been received from the hotel industry and other rental car hirers about the standard and condition of rental cars running on the roads.

“The proposal was made for the age limit to be reviewed to five for second hand vehicles and eight years for new vehicles,” said association president Mohammed Safik.

“Thereafter, vehicles to be passed annually if in good condition. A request was also made for LTA not to issue a directive to change vehicles as a compulsory measure like they did recently.

“LTA will now review this proposal and revert officially to the association. This is some relief to our operators, however, we shall press on to ensure our rental operators are not unfairly victimised.”

Mr Safik is urging rental operators to fix their vehicles if they are in bad condition.

“Operators will need to work on that in order for the LTA to allow extensions on our vehicles, otherwise everyone will be impacted.”

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