Adventures to benefit village

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Lenora Qereqeretabua with villagers of Waivaka, after launching the Domoika Hike, Waterfall and Rock Climbing Adventures in Namosi yesterday. Picture: JONA KONATACI

Domoika Hike, Waterfall and Rock Climbing Adventures was officially launched on Saturday with the aim to change the culture in Namosi from mining and hydro to potentially providing the market for sustainable eco-tourism.

Waivaka villager Matelita Katamotu said the concept started with the idea to have a communally-owned sustainable eco-tourism product on the market.

“This project was launched to help the village, mataqali and youths earn an income while advocating the need to preserve the lands and its natural inhabitants,” she said.

“The business is communally owned and will be operated by the mataqali Nadakunibure who are the landowners and offers day packages to local and overseas guests.

“I thought to bring up a concept to run a business that was sustainable and eco-friendly and everyone would share the benefits from it.

“So far we have had a few interested people hoping to come for the hikes and once we have finalised all the necessary procedures we will open up the doors for visitors to come and enjoy a piece of Namosi’s beautiful scenery.”

She says direct beneficiaries of this initiative would be the future generations of the communally-owned project, the people, the village and the church.

“Within 16 days of trying to set up this project, the mataqali managed to host 16 local guests, two international guests from Dubai and also made it to tourism Fiji’s Instagram page through one of our guests’ page. This initiative is to create a space for the mataqali youths to fund projects for the village such as fixing our bridge.”

An hour’s drive from Nabukavesi to Waivaka Village, the adventure will include three packages — Domoika eco-challenge, Wainanbi rock climbing adventures and Waivaka beginners hike.

These packages will include rock climbing, long jungle hikes, waterfall swimming and site seeing, ota picking, bilibili rides, authentic traditional organic Fijian cuisine and enjoy endless kava until you return.

The project aims to empower people at grassroots level, bring in sustainable developments at the village level, and create employment for youths, women and men while also contributing to the scholarship trust fund of the mataqali in Waivaka Village.

Opposition MP Lenora Qereqeretabua was the chief guest at the launch.

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