2023 FHRI convention: HR agents in cabinet

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2023 FHRI convention: HR agents in cabinet

CABINET ministers are supposed to be part of a human resource organisation.

This was part of Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka’s message to participants at the 2023 BSP Life FHRI Convention that began at the Sofitel Resort and Spa on Denarau yesterday. Officiating at the opening the two-day convention, Mr Rabuka said he was surprised to learn he was the first PM invited to do so.

He also said human resource practitioners were at the foundation of human resource development. Mr Rabuka said any leader of a nation would want people and institutions that continued to develop.

“We would like to have a population that us hungry for the acquisition of knowledge and skills and development,” Mr Rabuka said.

“That is what your institute is all about.

“I congratulate your institute. I congratulate your sponsors and I congratulate you all for having this interest to be part of this development of the population of today and for the future.”

He said in any organisation, managing resources was a critical and crucial function of leaders.

“Any leader who had this thought would encourage institutes like yours.

“That is why I’m surprised that I am the first prime minister that has been invited to open your convention.

“We are prime ministers. We are supposed to be the cream of Cabinet, the peak of leadership in Fiji.

“We are supposed to be part of your institute rather than looking down on it.” The convention ends today.

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