2022 General Election: Simpson was paid $500k a year – Vosarogo

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People’s Alliance candidate Filimoni Vosarogo speaking Naveiwakau in Nasinu, on Monday evening. Picture: JONACANI LALAKOBAU

Former Land Transport Authority (LTA) CEO Samuel Charles Simpson was paid more than $500,000 a year, claims The People’s Alliance (PA) candidate for the 2022 General Election Filimoni Vosarogo.

He made the claim at a campaign rally, while explaining why The People’s Alliance wanted to review the appointment of permanent secretaries, CEOs of statutory institutions and directors and chairmen of boards.

Mr Vosarogo, who was once the manager legal services at LTA, claimed he had seen and read Mr Simpson’s appointment letter which was signed by Attorney-General Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum.

“I saw his contract which was signed by the minister, the A-G, when he handed over his letter of appointment,” Mr Vosarogo claimed.

“I was in disbelief when I saw the amount he was being paid, thinking of the Fijians who had established LTA from their own sweat.”

He said meanwhile, there were Fijians who once sat on the same position and did real reforms such as Etuate Koroi and Abe Simpson who were paid less.

He also said the boards of many statutory bodies had certain individuals sitting on the same board.

Meanwhile, Mr Vosarogo also challenged participants to name one industry that was established by the FijiFirst Government.

He said many industries such as pine and mahogany, were already in place decades before the current regime came into power and enjoyed “its fruits”.