2022 General Election: FijiFirst richest political party – FEO

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Party supporters during the FijiFirst rally at Syria Park in Nausori. Picture: JONACANI LALAKOBAU

The FijiFirst party is the richest political party in Fiji, according to information released by the Fijian Elections Office.

The FEO has published the unaudited Statement of Assets and Liabilities as of October 2022 for the nine political parties.

The FijiFirst party had $544,658.32 in six bank accounts, the highest amount of $247,344 held in an account at HFC bank.

The party had $21,717.66 in term deposit with ANZ bank and it also had an M-PAiSA account that had $8356.17 and a MyCash Account with $3030 in it.

The party held $7500 in a trust account tilted “R Patel Lawyers as at October 2022 and the documents showed it had $310,530.36 in plant and equipment.

The People’s Alliance party had $184,337 in its bank account as of October 2022 while the National Federation Party had $67,355 in cash at bank at October 2022.

The Fiji Labour Party declared $26,923 in cash and $2000 as cash on hand to the FEO.

Unity Fiji party had $16,000 in cash at bank during this same period.

Meanwhile, SODELPA had $2116.89 in cash in its bank account while We Unite Party declared having $40-$100 in its bank account.

The New Generation Party had $250 in its bank account.

The All Peoples Party didn’t declare any cash to the FEO.

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