$200k for a vehicle is extravagant, says Amrit

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Ajay Bhai Amrit and Riyaz Sayed-Khaiyum. Picture: FIJI TIMES ONLINE

Fijian Broadcasting Corporation chairman Ajay Bhai Amrit has confirmed reports of the purchase of a $200,000 vehicle by sacked FBC chief executive officer Riyaz Sayed-Khaiyum.

In a statement, Mr Amrit said the vehicle was not purchased in New Zealand.

“Accountability and transparency has been brought up in Parliament many times over the past few years and it saddens me to have to confirm reports are true regarding the purchase of a vehicle for the CEO that has cost the company nearly $200,000,” he said.

“It (vehicle) has arrived into the country and this is my personal opinion, $200,000 for a vehicle is extravagant, especially for a government entity and I would like to see it go back on tender and whatever we can recuperate can go back into FBC.

“My board and I consider it highly inappropriate and this certainly isn’t the direction the new government and the new FBC board want to go in.”

He said he would also look into reasons why the previous board approved various bonuses, allowances for vehicles and salaries.

“I don’t know anyone from the previous board that’s something again we have to look into because at the end of the day why would they have approved these types of massive bonuses, massive allowances for vehicles, salaries.

“I am getting the information maybe in a week or so I can update you.”

He urged members of the public to let FBC do its investigations and the company was now ‘headed to a different route’.

“Let us find out the what the situation is.

“We just have to let the process take place and we have to make the decision as we go along.”

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