$10.5m worth of medicines arrive

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The 21 pallets of medicines for Fijians has arrived from the US, thanks to the Savusavu Community Foundation. Picture: SUPPLIED

Requests made to the Savusavu Community Foundation have seen the arrival of $10.5 million worth of medicines for all Fijians.

The foundation’s chairman, Ken Barasch, said the requests were made by the Fiji Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Services and hospitals on Vanua Levu because of the low supplies and difficult replacement of medicines during this pandemic.

“The foundation obtained this donation from Direct Relief, one of the world’s largest humanitarian charitable organisations, and they have supported our work for the past 18 years,” he said.

“The shipment of 21 pallets has arrived in Fiji and includes medicines matching the needs of Fiji’s essential medicines formula, as well as some personal protective equipment and other essential medical supplies and consumables.

“Patients can be assured of continuous provision of their meds.”

Mr Barasch said of the 21 pallets, six which contained $680,000 worth of medicines would be given to the Savusavu Hospital.

“Four pallets worth $3.7 million will go to the Labasa Hospital and the remaining 11 pallets worth $6.2 million will be given to the Fiji Pharmaceutical for distribution throughout the entire country.”

Mr Barasch has worked closely with Ministry of Health officials and hospitals in coordinating needs and desired quantities of medical assistance.

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