Yato out of Flying Fijians squad

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Peceli Yato sweats it out during the Fiji Airways Flying Fijians training at Albert Park in Suva. Picture: JONACANI LALAKOBAU/FT FILE

Clermont flanker Peceli Yato is out of the FIJI Water Flying Fijians squad.

This was confirmed by head coach Simon Raiwalui.

The hard-hitting forward was not seen with the Flying Fijians from earlier this week.

“Peceli has removed himself from the squad and I think it was Monday that he left the squad,” Raiwalui confirmed.

“He had a great two weeks preparation in Tavueni and also while we were in Nadi, where he was communicating well and leading the boys. Unfortunately, there was a situation where he chose to leave the camp,” he said.

Meanwhile, Raiwalui also confirmed the departure of Api Ratuniyarawa from the squad.

French club Bayonne announced on Thursday that Ratuniyarawa would be a World Cup cover for them.

“He is a great son for Fiji and he had signed a temporary contract for Bayonne.

“You sometimes have to make a decision on what is best for your family and your future and it was an emotional decision for him.”

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