Starlink live in Fiji – Musk

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Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Trade, Co-operatives, SMEs and Communications Manoa Kamikamica and Starlink Director Ryan Goodnight. Picture: FIJI GOVERNMENT/FILE

Starlink is now live in Fiji, says its founder and CEO Elon Musk.

This after the satellite internet provider, Starlink, tweeted on its official account that it is now live across the 300 islands in Fiji.

It said this makes Fiji the 99th country to have access to high-speed internet.

“Starlink is now live across the 300-plus islands in the Republic of Fiji, marking the 99th country, territory or market around the world where Starlink’s high-speed internet service is available,” Musk tweeted.

Starlink was granted a license to provide internet services in Fiji in November last year.

Deputy PM and Minister for Communication Manoa Kamikamica welcomed the news saying, this made Fiji the first Pacific island country to have access to high-speed internet service.

“Correct, Fiji now have access to Starlink,” Mr Kamikamica said.

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