SPBD: $100m loan disbursed in 13 years

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SPBD director Lorraine Seeto, member Suliana Nalubi and Elrico Munoz at the $100m loan disbursement celebration in Suva on Friday May 25, 2024. Picture: TIMOCI VULA

Microfinance institution South Pacific Business Development (SPBD) yesterday marked a momentous achievement as it surpassed the $100million mark in loans disbursed to some 8000 members in its 13 years of operation in Fiji.

That represents 74,253 loans received and processed since its inception in 2010.

SPBD director and general manager Elrico Munoz said the achievement is a testament to its 13 years of dedication and resilience in providing inclusive financial services to women in the country.

“Our network’s mission has always been to improve the quality of life of underprivileged families by providing them with meaningful economic opportunities to lift themselves out of poverty,” Mr Munoz said.

He said the loans comprised small loans from members but the impact was profound.

“They have fuelled the entrepreneurial spirit of women across Fiji, enabling them to start and grow their businesses, improve their families’ living conditions, and invest in the education of their children.”

Yesterday, SPBD also awarded member and Bavu Vou Centre chief Suliana Naiubi with the milestone loan of $11,000.

Ms Naiubi said SPBD had always been there for women entrepreneurs in the provision of loans and resources needed to grow their businesses.

Board director Lorraine Seeto said women in Fiji were resilient, innovative and impactful in their families and communities.

Today, SPBD has nine branches, 438 village-based women’s groups, and nearly 8000 members nationwide.

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