Qoro pursues engineering dream at FNU

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Torika Qoro. Picture: SUPPLIED

Torika Qoro has high hopes of becoming the first female engineer in her family.

To achieve her ambition, Qoro has completed a Trade Diploma in Electrical Engineering, followed by a Diploma in Engineering (Electrical) (Level 6) at the Fiji National University (FNU).

From Viseisei in Vuda, Qori is now pursuing a Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical) with Honours at FNU’s College of Engineering, Science and Technology (CEST). Studying in a field that is traditionally male-dominated has made the 26-year-old more determined to work harder and always succeed.

“Sometimes, the most challenging thing about being in this field is that your voice is not heard, and that people may underestimate you,” she shared.

“However, that has not stopped me and is the motivation I need to be successful in my studies and career. If you are thinking of becoming a female engineer, remember, it doesn’t matter if you’re a woman or a man, the only important thing is your determination,” she said proudly.

Qoro said studying engineering is both challenging and rewarding at the same time.

“Being an engineer will give you the opportunity to solve problems and design new things that matter. You will contribute to making the world a better place,” she said.

“You also get the opportunity to learn new things, since technology is always changing.”

She added that FNU provided both the theory and practical components of study that she needed to excel in her studies and in the industry.

“The University is not all about theory, we also get to do hands-on projects which helps us understand better how things work.”


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