Mere manages money wisely

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Mere manages money wisely

WITH Mother’s Day just around the corner, our shopper of the week advises mothers and single parents that even little faith leads to huge results.

Originally from the village of Nukutubu, Rewa, Mere Ratukalou, a wife, mother of three children and grandmother of four adds when scrambling to shop or pick out the perfect gift during Mother’s Day, it’s important to manage money wisely.

Mrs Ratukalou shops fortnightly at MaxVal-u Supermart, Vivrass Plaza with a budget of $150.

Her grocery list mainly consists of vegetables, meat and a few basic items.

“MaxVal-u Supermart is a convenient place for me to shop because it’s close to where I live — Kinoya,” she said.

“It’s just me and my husband so we don’t shop unless we run out of something at home.”

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