Local cannabis not for medicinal use

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Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Trade, Cooperatives, Small and Medium Enterprises and Communications, Hon. Manoa Kamikamica,. Picture: ELIKI NUKUTABU

Local cannabis cannot be used for medicinal cannabis production, says the Minister for Trade Manoa Kamikamica.

Mr Kamikamica said the seeds for the cannabis which would be used for medical purpose by the New Zealand company proposed to set up its industry would the imported.

“This is a very sophisticated industry that require the right expertise to be managed well,” he said.

He could not reveal the breed of the cannabis and said the investor had that information and it was proprietary. However, when asked whether they would consider conducting a study on whether local cannabis could also be used as some Fijians were putting it in oil to cure the scabies, he said it was not the same.

“I have told you what the new Government is trying to achieve.”

When questioned what the Government would do to ensure the seedlings are not smuggled out, he said the producer would have a record traceability as well as of production.

“That is why to set up the industry, the government is looking at investors already experienced in this field.

“If they can partner with local investors, that is positive.”

The cannabis industry will be setup by Aether Pacific Pharmaceuticals Ltd trading as Medical Kiwi.

Aether Pacific Pharmaceuticals Ltd is a market leader in New Zealand in the cultivation and export of medicinal cannabis and cannabidiol to export markets using innovative science and technology.

They will sign a memorandum of understanding with the Ministry of Trade as agreed by Cabinet on Tuesday.

It is unknown at the moment when they will sign the three-year agreement.

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