HIV surge in prisons

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Prison officers at the Labasa Corrections Centre. Picture: SUPPLIED

The Fiji Corrections Services has experienced a surge in the number of HIV cases among its remand inmates.

In a media release, FCS confirmed carrying out a HIV testing exercise across all of its institutions in the country which revealed a spike in the number of cases.

“Recent results from these tests have indicated a marked increase in HIV cases, predominantly concentrated in our receiving centres, particularly among remand inmates,” the media release stated.

“The pattern of these results suggests that the spike may be attributed to recent drug needle use prior to their sentencing to remand.

“In response to this concerning development, FCS is collaborating closely with the Ministry of Health to establish and implement a comprehensive and suitable treatment regime for those affected.

“Ensuring the health and safety of inmates is our top priority, and we are committed to providing the necessary medical care and support.”

While efforts were being made to ensure the safety of their inmates, it would also maintain their confidentiality, FSC stated.

“All personal information, including the identities of inmates, is handled with the utmost confidentiality in accordance with legislative requirements.

“Our goal is to maintain the dignity and privacy of every individual while addressing this public health issue effectively.

“The FCS remains dedicated to the wellbeing of the community and will continue to take proactive measures to address health concerns within our institutions.

“Further updates and information will be provided as we advance our efforts in collaboration with health authorities,” the statement read.

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