CID directed to investigate rape involving a policeman

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Police is investigating the rape of a woman on Sunday morning at the Valelevu Police single men’s barracks.

Acting Commissioner of Police Sakeo Raikaci has directed the Criminal Investigations Department’s Major Crime Unit to investigate the alleged rape.

He has also directed the arrest of the suspect, a Police officer, who is believed to have fled the scene following the alleged incident.

“A/CP Raikaci has directed the investigation be expedited, and the investigation file be submitted to the Office of the Director of Public Prosecution for independent legal advice as soon as possible,” police said.

“A/CP Raikaci says progress on the investigation will be provided in due course.

Investigations continue.”

A/CP Raikaci is acting in the absence of A/CP Juki Fong Chew who is overseas for an official engagement,

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