Heads up on principals

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Timoci Bure meets up with teachers at the Teachers consultations in Suva on Tuesday. Picture: ELIKI NUKUTABU

TWO randomly selected teachers and the school manager will be among those assessing heads of schools appointed last year.

They will be required to complete what the ministry terms as the ‘360 degree school leadership survey’.

Education Ministry deputy secretary Timoci Bure said the survey would give them an opportunity to better assess heads of schools.

“If you have relationship problems with your managers, your teachers and your parents, you will have that fear not to be assessed,” he said at a consultation in Rakiraki last Thursday.

Mr Bure said school heads should not be assessing their own performances.

“We don’t blow our trumpets. That’s why we gave you the 360 appraisal. From that appraisal we will be able to identify the gaps and the need for training with you”

All heads of schools will be appraised by an education officer, their vice and assistant principal, assistant head teacher, two randomly selected staff and the school manager.

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